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Understanding Risk Assessment for Working at Height

The Risk Assessment Process

The risk assessment process ensures workplace safety through a systematic approach:

  • Identify Hazards: Determine potential risks associated with working at height.
  • Assess Risk: Evaluate who might be harmed and the severity of potential consequences.
  • Control Measures: Decide how to eliminate, reduce, or control risks to a low level.
  • Record and Review: Document findings and update assessments as necessary.

Using a Risk Matrix

Many utilise a risk matrix to assess risks, considering:

  • Likelihood: Probability of a hazard occurring.
  • Severity: Potential injury or damage if the hazard does occur.

Applying Risk Assessment to Working at Height

Specific considerations for working at height include:

  • Avoidance: If possible, avoid tasks that require working at height.
  • Prevention: Use equipment and methods to prevent falls.
  • Minimising Consequences: Implement measures to reduce fall distance and impact.

Effective risk assessment not only identifies hazards but also implements control measures to ensure safe working practices.